Create task manager for manage company personal, you need use only typescript for your frontend and backend app
Important! You need to use this for develop task:
Node js Nest js React js React hooks Redux toolkit (if need) Formik Yup Material UI GraphQl Typescript Postgres Type ORM Docker Compose
You need to use nest js framework for develop this app Create docker-compose file for postgres and nest dockerization Create jwt registration and authorization for users Create users module Create categories module Create tasks module You need to create all relationships between tables
When user visit our site response redirect to registration or login Authorisation should be use JWT (use localstorage) After registration or login redirect to task manager Use material UI, Yupl and Formik libs for components
When authorization user and redirect to categories, user can create category for tasks By click "more" button user redirected to category list of tasks By click "actions" button user can delete category and off category task or edit category name By click "add category" button user can create category with name (for date created you need to use timestamp in database)
By click "add task" button user redirect to create task page After enter all fields (name is required) user redirects to list tasks where can see updated list where new task is first By click "delete" button user see popup where his can delete task or cancel this operation By click "edit task" button user redirect to edit task page after edit user redirect to list task