1. Project description:

  • The client has asked us to design and develop a scholar aplication for students and Teachers.
  • First, both of them must to log in to identify themselves as user or admin.
  • In this app, students (users) should be able to visualize their grades while the teacher (admin) can see the students list with the quarterly grades, and add students if needed; they can also see the student profile where edit the student data or add (and edit) their respective exam grades.

2. User stories:

2.1 User Story (User):

  • Being able to register in the app as user.
  • See the subjects and their respective exam grades.
  • See the average grade (trimestral and final).

2.2 User Story (Admin):

  • Enter app as admin.
  • View student list with trimestral average.
  • Add new student.
  • See student profile.
  • Edit student data.
  • Edit student exam grades.
  • Add student grades.
  • Close trimester and year.

3. Fullstack Developer Team

4. Project Demo (Preview - In Develpoment)

Preliminary project demo

5. Sketch


6. Atomic Design

Atomic Design

7. Mockup

Home Blade
Create User Blade
Show User Blade
Show User Blade

8. Stacks

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • Boostrap
  • NPM

9. Required:

  • NPM Installed.
  • PHP (Minimum, version 7.4).
  • Composer & Laravel Installed and updated to latest version.
  • XAMPP/LAMPP Installed.
  • MySQL.

  • To install our project

  • Open IDE
  • Copy in the terminal: git clone https://github.com/AlesiaCoder/nevermoreAcademy.git
  • Type in the IDE terminal: npm install and press intro.
  • In the IDE run git clone command, an paste the HTTPS.
  • Write in the IDE terminal the command: composer update.
  • An .env file (in the form of a little wheel) will be downloaded. Go into it and rename the line DB_DATABASE. Change the name generated by default and write nevermoreacademy.
  • Open XAMPP or LAMPP.
  • Login to phpMyAdmin and create a new database named nevermoreacademy.
  • Type in the IDE terminal: php artisan migrate:fresh --seed and press intro.
  • Type in the IDE terminal: npm run dev and press intro. Then open another terminal in the IDE without closing the previous one
  • Type in the IDE terminal: php artisan migrate and press intro
  • Type in the IDE terminal: php artisan serve and press intro.

  • Warning & Testing

    1. Important: If we then need to run more commands in the IDE, we'll open a third terminal without closing the previous two.
    2. Test: Run in the IDE php artisan test & vendor/bin/phpunit where it should return the following result: 5 passed and OK (5 test, 12 assertions)

    10. Methodology:

    • Mob programming.
    • Pair programming.
    • Solo programming.
    • Agile with SCRUM

    11. Next Steps

    • Implement the Drag & Drop.
    • Continue implementing the design.
    • Continue implementing the calculation of the average of the grades.
    • Adapt the view of the teacher and student show.
    • Add functionality to the trimester closing buttons