
Developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in the 90's, PageRank is an algorithm to rank pages on a network according to its importance relative to the others. Even tough today Google uses a different approach, their initial solution proved to be simple and effective, making it widely known in the field of Computer Science.


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Problem Description

Given a list of pages with its respective links, determine the rank of the pages on the given network. A given page p is said to influence page q if there is a direct link from q -> p. For instance:

Note that in the example above, even tough node 1 gets a lot of direct links it is node 2 which has the highest rank. It so happens because node 2 influences a page with a lot of influence itself, hence it's score goes up. The rankings for this sample are:
page rank
0 4
1 2
2 1
3 3
4 5

Problem Definition

  • P set of pages
  • |P| = n
  • i,j ranges from [0, n-1]
  • p[i] is the ith page on P
  • initially pageRank(p[i]) = 1/n
  • damping factor d is set to 0.85
  • In(p[i]) every page with a link to i
  • Out(p[i]) every page that i connects to
  • convergence is the stopping criteria
  • in case of ties, output the smallest node label first

PageRank formula

PageRank Formula

Project authors