
I am Stand-alone Front-end software Developer with much interest in React, Three and Redux. I am also good at content creation, website designs and basic 3D designs. I am learning new technologies to dive into web3 world and I am constantly looking for job opportunities.

Hello World 👋
I'm Betrand Mutangana Ishimwe

Full-stack Software Developer

I have 1+ years programming experience.

I am commited to building outstanding UI(s) using React and Next together with other modern technologies. I build RESTful API(s) using Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I'm also good at content creation, website designing, and 3D animation.
I'm constantly striving to build systems and tools that improve the community's way of living by contributing to open-source projects and my own projects. Curiosity is the one that pushes me to learn more and seek for more adventure in this internet world. That is why I'm learning and turning into a better version of my self day by day!😎

I'm always fascinated about new challenges to grow 💪 and excel 🚀 because as you know What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Knowledge Base


JavaScript javascript       JavaScript typescript       Material UI Ruby


HTML  CSS  bootstrap React  redux jquery webpack.svg sass figma-plain.svg


mysql RubyOnRails


mysql postgresql

Cloud & Hosting:

Google cloud firebase heroku

Version Control & CI/CD

git gitlab github

Preferred IDEs & Tools :

vsCode postman windows

Connect with me

lindedIn twitter

Reach me


Github's Status

BertrandConxy github stats
Bertrand Conxy

Visitors Count

Please feel free to clone/fork projects, raise issues and submit PRs if you think something could be better. Ask me anything here or email me My Email

⭐️ From Bertrand Mutangana

Happy Coding! 💻