
reaction to poletical news post

Primary LanguagePython


I trained a multi-output linear regression model that predicts Ethiopian Facebook users reaction to a political news post

I scraped facebook using fbcrawl (https://github.com/rugantio/fbcrawl)

I scraped data from a Facebook Ethiopian news pages

I used googletrans a free unofficial google trainslate library to convert from Amahric to English


the data that is use to train this model might be biased you can see the data i used to train this model in /data and the unprocessed data in /dataset


python 3.x


git clone https://github.com/robelkebede44/repol.git

pip install -r requirements.txt


cd ./repol
python repol.py --text="Prime Minster Dr. Abiy Ahmed, launched the ambitious Green Legacy campaign that set a milestone to plant 200 million tree seedlings"

Alt text


Pull request are welcome. specially new data crawlerd from diffrient Facebook news pages and please open an issue first


[MIT] (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit/)