
This gem converts arrays of JSON objects, arrays of hashes, arrays of ActionController params, simple hashes, or ActiveRecord relations and objects to a CSV-formatted string.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

📗 Table of Contents

json_or_ruby_to_ - csv

📖 json_or_ruby_to_csv

This gem converts data from a variety of sources into a comma-separated value (CSV) format. The gem can convert arrays of JSON objects, arrays of hashes, arrays of ActionController params, simple hashes, or ActiveRecord relations and objects. The CSV format is a common way to store data in a tabular format. It is often used for data exchange between different applications.


Add the following code to you Gemfile

gem 'json_or_ruby_to_csv'


install the gem on your terminal

gem install json_or_ruby_to_csv


require this gem on the top of your ruby code.

Using array_or_hash_to_csv

If you want to convert arrays of JSON objects, arrays of hashes, arrays of ActionController params, and simple hashes to csv you can use array_or_hash_to_csv method from JsonOrRubyToCsv. Let's see how:-

Don't forget to include JsonOrRubyToCsv module in your ruby class.

For example

require 'json_or_ruby_to_csv'
class Employee
  include JsonOrRubyToCsv

  def get_csv_data(data_list)

Let's create Employee object and send array of object to get_csv_data method.

employee = Employee.new
data_list =  [
    { "id": 200,
      "fname": "Meshu",
      "lname": "Amare",
      "salary": 4500,
      "company": "XYZ.com",
      "position": "DevOps IT Operations"
    { "id": 201,
      "fname": "Solomon",
      "lname": "Alebachew",
      "salary": 5000,
      "company": "XYZ.com",
      "position": "Rails Developer"
      "id": 202,
      "fname": "Bini",
      "lname": "Ew",
      "salary": 5000,
      "company": "XYZ.com",
      "position": "Senior Sofware Developer"

print employee.get_csv_data(data_list)

The output looks like below

200,Meshu,Amare,XYZ.com,DevOps IT Operations,4500
201,Solomon,Alebachew,XYZ.com,Rails Developer,5000
203,Bini,Ew,XYZ.com,Senior Sofware Developer,5000 

Using activerecord_to_csv

If you want to conver ActiveRecord::Relation (collection of objects fetched by .all or .where()) or simple ActiveRecord object to csv formated-string you can use activerecord_to_csv method from JsonOrRubyToCsv module.

For example

require 'json_or_ruby_to_csv'
class Employee
  include JsonOrRubyToCsv

  def get_data_as_csv
    all_employee = Employee.select(:id, :fname, :lname, :salary, :company, :position)

Here get_data_as_csv method first retrive data from the database, then pass to activerecord_to_csv method and return the data as comma-separated csv formated string.

Let's create Employee object and call get_data_as_csv method.

employee = Employee.new

The output looks like below

200,Meshu,Amare,XYZ.com,DevOps IT Operations,4500
201,Solomon,Alebachew,XYZ.com,Rails Developer,5000
203,Bini,Ew,XYZ.com,Senior Sofware Developer,5000 

json_or_ruby_to_csv usage with rails controller

You can include the functionality of this gem in your controller class.

for example

If you want your controller action to return a CSV formated data after fetching data from the database, you can do it as follow.

require 'json_or_ruby_to_csv'
class ConvertsController < ApplicationController
  include JsonOrRubyToCsv
  def index
    input = params_value[:data]
    result = array_or_hash_to_csv(input)
    render plain: result, status: :ok

  def previous
    all_employee = Employee.select(:id, :fname, :lname, :salary, :company, :position)
    result = activerecord_to_csv(all_employee)
    render plain: result, status: :ok


  def params_value
    params.require(:data) # there must be data
    params.permit(data: %i[id fname lname company position salary]) # list of optional attributes

index action controller method will convert array of params data to csv formated string where as previous will return csv formated string after fetching data from database.

👥 Authors

👤 Melashu Amare

🤝 Contributing

This repo is open for contributions. Issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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