FantasyPal is an app designed to maximize your potential scoring output for your fantasy hockey team! Comparing two teams' schedules from the current date to the end of the year, it will return a number. This number will tell you how many days the two teams play on coinciding dates. You no longer have to sit that extra player on the bench!
Clone project from github repository
Make sure you have the following dependencies installed (these versions or newer) with npm install "bcryptjs": "^2.4.3", "body-parser": "^1.19.2", "bootstrap": "^5.1.3", "cookie-session": "^2.0.0", "ejs": "^3.1.6", "express": "^4.17.3", "jquery": "^3.6.0", "sass": "^1.35.1", "serve-favicon": "^2.5.0"
When you get to the homepage, register an email and a password. Once inside, you will see an empty My Matchups page. In the top part of the webpage, you will see a button: Compare Schedules. Click that. On this page (Compare Schedules), you will choose two teams and input the current date [YYMMDD]. Once you submit this information, you will be taken back to My Matchups and you will see the two teams your compared, the date on which you compared their schedules, and the coinciding dates they play on for the rest of the season! You can use this information to choose between players you want to add to your team, and players you may want to trade away!
FantasyPalFramework app.js express_server package-lock package README views partials _header urls_error urls_index urls_login urls_new urls_register urls_show
Nate Bain
Loopy Lighthouse
Only bug I've seen is when I switched wifi, but did not replicate when switching again.