
REM script that helps you re-add course automatically.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Node

LINK: https://nodejs.org/en

  1. Git

LINK: https://git-scm.com/downloads

How to use it

Step 1. open your terminal and

git clone https://github.com/NateCC0902/holdyourfork
cd holdyourfork
npm install

Step 2. Run it (in terminal).

Replace username, password, duo_code and course_code. and presses ENTER.

// i.e 
//node main.js imhuman password 123089 AA3QCD


This script re add course every 1 hours. DONT make it shorter you may block by school.

DUO passcode is one time use.

headless: false // this is for show you how the script run it. and set it true will run the script background.