
[Bukkit] View and export (xml, txt) basic info about installed plugins

Primary LanguageJava

View and export (xml, txt) basic info about installed plugins
Version: v0.1.4

This plugin allows to view versions of installed plugins ingame/via console
(that's not interesting) and export them to XML and/or TXT file - good for
further processing.

- View basic info about plugins
- Export basic info about plugins to XML/TXT
- Supports Help plugin
- FTP export
- ApiCraft support

Params inside "[ ]" are optional. "|" divides aliases. Using "plugininfo" instead of "plugi" is also possible.
- plugi [help|h|?] - Displays help
- plugi list|l [#] - Displays formatted list of plugins and their versions, page number [#]
- plugi list|l all - Displays versions of all plugins
- plugi export|e - Exports info about plugins to file types defined in config.yml
- plugi export|e list|l - List of available export types: XML, TXT
- plugi export|e [param] - Exports info about plugins to [param]-type file
- plugi export|e all - Exports info about plugins to all available file types
- plugi upload|u - Uploads all available exported files defined in settings.yml to ftp (if enabled)
- plugi upload|u all - Uploads all available exported files to ftp (if enabled)
- plugi upload|u [param] - Uploads specified exported file to ftp (if enabled)
- plugi upload|u list - List of available files to upload
- plugi reload|r - Reloads settings

[Permissions/GroupManager nodes:]
- plugininfo.view - Allows to view installed plugins and their versions
- plugininfo.export - Allows to invoke manual export (only those exports enabled in config.yml)
- plugininfo.export.all - Allows to invoke manual export of any kind
- plugininfo.reload - Allows to reload PluginInfo settings
- plugininfo.upload - Allows to upload exported files

#Number of shown plugins per page with command "/plugi list [#]":
entriesPerPage: 9
#Default export folder:
outputFolder: plugins\PluginInfo
#Enables TXT export:
txtSaveEnabled: true
#Output filename for TXT export:
txtFileName: plugins.txt
#Specific output folder for TXT export, leave empty for default folder:
txtOutputFolder: ''
#Enables XML export:
xmlSaveEnabled: true
#Output filename for XML export:
xmlFileName: plugins.xml
#Specific output folder for XML export, leave empty for default folder:
xmlOutputFolder: ''
#Enables FTP upload:
ftpEnabled: false
#If true, files are alway uploaded after exporting:
ftpAutoUpload false:
#Path to file on server (for example: "dir/dir/export"):
ftpPath: ''
#FTP Username:
ftpUsername: user
#FTP Password:
ftpPasswd: password
#FTP server address (without ftp://):
ftpServer: address.com
#Enables ApiCraft support (requires ApiCraft plugin), note: xml DTD is a bit different:
enableApiCraft: false

#String dividing plugin name and plugin version:
delimiter: ' - '
#String/char used for printing comments:
commentsChar: '#'
#Print comments:
printComments: true
#Print creation time:
printTimeStamp: true
#Print server info (server name, server port):
printServerInfo: true
#Print MC server info (MC version):
printMinecraftServerInfo: true
#Print CraftBukkit info (version, jenkins build):
printBukkitInfo: true
#Print plugins info (name & version):
printPluginInfo: true

#Print creation time:
printGeneratedTime: true
#Print server info (server name, server port):
printServerInfo: true
#Print MC server info (MC version):
printMinecraftServerInfo: true
#Print CraftBukkit info (version, jenkins build):
printBukkitInfo: true
#Print plugins:
printPlugins: true
#Print authors for each plugin (if available):
printAuthors: true
#Print plugin description (if available):
printDesc: true
#Print fullname of each plugin (name + version):
printFullname: false
#Print plugin status (currently not available during initial startup):
printPluginEnabled: false
#Print plugin version:
printVersion: true
#print commands (if available):
printCommands: false
#print command details (if available):
printCommandsDetails: false
#Prints "Plugin.isDatabaseEnabled()"...
printDatabaseEnabled: true
#Prints plugins required for this plugin to work (if available):
printDepend: true
#Print plugins website (if available):
printWeb: true
#Print number of plugins:
printStats: true
#Specify XSL-Stylesheet document for XML file, leave empty for none
xslt: xsl-stylesheet_file.xsl

v0.1.4 - 18.9.2011
- Removed support for GroupManager
- Added support for PermissionsBukkit and SuperPerms
- Updated plugin.yml to support SuperPerms
v0.1.3 - 7.5.2011
- Added ApiCraft support
- Cleaned up the code (a bit more according to MVC)
v0.1.2 - 4.5.2011
- Added FTP uploader
v0.1.1 - 30.4.2011
- Added option to specify XSL-Stylesheet document for XML export
v0.1.0 - 29.4.2011
- Initial version