
An advanced autocatcher and selfbot automation tool for the Pokecord clone PokeMania.

Primary LanguagePython


Autocatcher Developer: NateM135

PokéMania Developer: Triickstr#0420

Click Here to Join The Official Server for PokéMania

Click Here to Invite PokéMania to Your Server

This is a simple autocatcher for the Pokecord clone PokéMania. Just like Pokecord, PokéMania spawns pokemon based off normal activity. Thus, autocatching is possible.


  • Autocatching
  • Webpage (html file) to show the pokemon you have caught
  • Random dialogue to make it seem as if you are not botting
  • Minor anti bot-detection settings and configurations
  • Tracking for Pokemon captured/escaped/money earned

See Changelog.md to get more information about updates/bugs/features.

In the future, the following features are planned:

  • Legendaries support/special circumstances/recognition
  • Commands to show pokemon during the current session
  • JS to automatically update webpage/status.html
  • Optional DM Reports to the owner account about Pokemon captured
  • Automatic Money Command Scheduling/Out of Money Detection
  • Better report page formatting

To suggest features, open an issue or DM me on reddit (NateM135)


Here is a gif of the bot in action.


Here is a picture of the webpage (status.html) after running the bot in a popular server for a few minutes.





There are several things you would need to setup. Download the files and open the file setup.py.

The autocatcher supports multiple servers, and thus you need to configure both the server/prefix for the bot on that server.

The file you will do this in is guilds.py. In order for the bot to work in a server, the server id along with the bot's prefix in that server MUST, i repeat MUST be in guilds.py. If not, the messages are ignored. Simply make an entry like the ones that are already there as examples.

TOK is your account/selfbot token. If you need help getting your user account token, see this guide here.

DELAY is how long the bot should wait before catching a pokemon after it spawns. It has to be an integer. The default value is 2 seconds.

OWNER ID is your main account's user ID. This will be used to control the bot account in future updates. For now, the value is unused in the actual bot.

SELFBOT UID is the selfbot account's ID.

CAPTURE CHANCE is the chance that you capture a pokemon that spawns. 100 = 100%, 90 = 90%, etc.

BALL_TYPE is the type of pokeball you use. There are three choices: POKEBALL, GREATBALL, ULTRABALL. Ultraballs are sustainable/you won't have any issues using only Ultra Balls. Ultra Balls have the highest capture rate (80%) but are the most expensive.

BUY_BALL_AMOUNT is the amount of balls the bot will buy when you run out. The bot will buy this amount of the chosen Pokeball.

Now, open up status.html in your web browser. You will have to refresh the page to see new updates such as money, pokemon captured, pokemon escaped, etc.

You will need Python3 as well as a modules installed.

Assuming you have Python installed, type python --version. If it shows anything in the 2.x range, this will not work and you need Python3. Try typing python3 --version to see if you have Python3 installed on your machine. Whichever command's version is 3.x is the one you will use for the rest of the guide.

I will finish this guide in a future update.


Open an issue on github or send a pm on reddit if you need help setting it up.