- install python
- install the django library
- install ngrok in your file system root
- install project dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
python manage.py runserver
- open terminal at root and run
./ngrok http 8000
django-admin startproject mysite
python manage.py startapp <APP_NAME>
python manage.py check
python manage.py makemigrations <APP_NAME>
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py shell
python manage.py runscript <SCRIPT.py>
python manage.py createsuperuser
workon python3
Note: You can also launch the console from the web which will automatically lauch the virtual env.
[high] Fix the food scrape, fragments, better/other names (maybe descritptions), get scientific names. Add categories, dont over writes
[high] Do not write over the Wiki food. Create a separate object for the pairing with all new fields.
[medium] Store more images from both wikipedia and unsplash with as much metadata as possible
[low] Find other photo APIs
[low] auto crop images?
[low] Identify best images (after more features can be aggrgated)
[low] Somehow combine results for the same foods but from different dataTypes