
A project to practice with multiple routes and collecting input from users.

Primary LanguageVue

Multi-View Application Project

A project for practicing with user input and multiple routes.

This project covers two sections in the Practical JavaScript 2: Building Applications book: Handling User Input and Routing and URLs. These sections cover all of the skills and techniques we will be practicing in this project. Please refer to the text for additional instuctions and help completing the requirements defined below.

Basic Requirements

In order to successfully complete this project, you must fulfill these requirements. Look for TODO notes in the respective files mentioned here for line-specific instructions.

In the src/components/Home.vue file

  • Create a form for the user to sign up to the site.
  • Use v-show to toggle between the sign up form and the success text
  • Use the submit event to trigger the validateForm method on the component
  • Validate the form according to the rules in the Home.vue file
  • If the form is valid, show the success message; if not, show a warning message on the form

In the src/components/Survey.vue file

  • Complete the survey form by filling in the TODO notes
  • Use v-for loops in the template to create options for the checkbox groups
  • Create a validation method to handle the rules outlined in the component comments
  • Use a $router.push statement to move the user to the Secret page

Create the src/components/Secret.vue file

  • Create a basic component from scratch called Secret
  • The content of the Secret page should be something you come up with: A favorite tip about web development, a funny joke, a humorous image, etc.
  • Provide links back to the other two pages using <router-link> tags in the template

In the src/router/index.js file

  • Import the Survey component properly
  • Import the Secret component properly
  • Add the Survey component at the /survey path
  • Add the Secret component at the /secret path

Stretch Goals

If you crave an extra challenge, please try these stretch goals:

  • Enhance the sign up form to collect additional info, different info, or to use different input types to collect the data
  • Enhance the validation to be more specific (e.g. verify no numbers in the name, or there is an @ and a . in the email address, etc.)
  • Enhance error messages to be more specific (e.g. build a message that mentions which field is causing the problem)
  • Add a navigation element to the src/App.vue template, and be sure to use the router-link-active class to style the current page link
  • Add more pages of content to the site to practice creating new components from scratch and adding them to the routes Array

Vue.js Application Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run serve

# build for production with minification
npm run build

Note: This application has been configured to build to the docs/ directory. It can be served on GitHub Pages by setting GH Pages to serve from the master branch docs/ directory.

For detailed explanation on how Vue works, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.