
🏋️ Liiteweight, non-accessible popover forked from reach-ui

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to @nateradebaugh/popover!

This is a fork of @reach/popover with less dependencies. It removes the accessibility/portal functionality but will position a popover on the page.

Looking for the documentation?

Read the code!

Getting Started

popover is built with Yarn. Please follow their install instructions to get Yarn installed on your system.

Then, run these commands:

git clone git@github.com:nateradebaugh/popover.git
cd popover
yarn install
yarn build


yarn build        # builds the package

yarn start        # starts storybook server

yarn release      # publishes the package

Running Examples

First do the steps in "Getting started", then start the Storybook server:

yarn start