
TypeScript port

dannyfritz opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Is this a real intention?

// Typescript port is coming soon.

yes but i have a lot of internal changes i'm working on right now that may shift the internal architecture a bit, so i'm holding off for the moment.

changes include archetypes, any/all/none query modifiers, and automatic resizing of data stores with workers so that the main thread isn't locked up when data stores need to grow

@NateTheGreatt it's realy needed. Hard to use in TS project now.

This repo looks awesome! I can't decide whether I'm silly for not trying it out because it isn't TS. ๐Ÿ˜…

@jorgenbuilder It has typedefs and a typescript rewrite is definitely on the roadmap ๐Ÿ™‚

closing this as the rewrite is now on the next branch and being prepared for main :)