
tweet building tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To Do

  • Get the copy function working
  • Recommended replacement words if you're being too verbose
  • See a live preview of your tweet off to the right as you type it
  • Highlight filler words in your tweet to the right as it gets filled
  • Make line breaks persist when saving the tweet.

If I add user accounts

  • Directly tweet from the app
  • Have saved tweets persist or store locally
  • Make it a database for words to check for, add them from the UX



  • Prevent input over 280 characters
  • Add a button to check for filler words
  • Make the filler words show up below
  • Save tweets as you're working on them
  • Edit tweets after you've saved them

Code Improvements

  • Change to using innerHTML


  • Make the words to remove show up as a bulleted list
  • Add Bootstrap