
Webclean is a simple X3 Config Live Skin for the original Xbox

MIT LicenseMIT

Webclean Dark


Webclean is a simple X3 Config Live Skin for the original Xbox


  1. Download latest release & extract it
  2. Upload the Webclean-[Lite|Dark|Halloween] directories to E:\x3skins
  3. While holding the White or X button, start your Xbox; this boots into X3 Config Live
  4. Select X3 Config Live > X3CL Skins > Webclean [Lite|Dark|Halloween] to set skin
  5. Enjoy!

Note: see either skin's x3skin.ini for more details and or to adjust settings. For example, you can adjust text alignment, colors and more, if needed. Also, if you like, you can turn on the Clock and or the HDD partition sizes; it's set and ready to go but, turned off by default.


  • v1.2.0 - Halloween Special Edition and Lite Version updates
  • v1.1.2 - Updated README.md and added source image on Download branch
  • v1.1.1 - Adjusted right alignments
  • v1.1 - Added Dark Version (new) and Lite Version (original)
  • v1.0 - Initial Release


This skin is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.