
Writing Journal Article with R Markdown

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

Lehuynh's personal notes


|- README.md	   # the top level description of content (this doc)
|- elsevier/	   # for Elsevier journals
| |- manuscript.Rmd    # executable Rmarkdown for this study
| |- manuscript.tex    # TeX version of *.Rmd file (for journal submission)
| |- manuscript.pdf    # PDF version of *.Rmd file
| |- appendix.Rmd      # child document
| |- my_header.tex     # LaTeX header file to format pdf version of manuscript
| |- bibliography.bib  # BibTeX formatted references
| |- XXXX.csl          # csl file to format references for journal XXX
| |- *.Rmd	   # child documents
| +- other files	   # used to export .Rmd file to .pdf file
|- springer/	   # template for Springer journals, from `rticles` package
|- data           # raw and primary data, are not changed once created
| |- raw/         # raw data, will not be altered
| +- process/     # cleaned data, will not be altered once created
|- code/          # any programmatic code
|- results        # all output from workflows and analyses
| |- tables/      # text version of tables to be rendered with kable in R
| |- figures/     # graphs, likely designated for manuscript figures
| +- pictures/    # diagrams, images, and other non-graph graphics
|- exploratory/   # exploratory data analysis for study
| |- notebook/    # preliminary data analyses
| |- text/        # all information related to journal, meeting, outline, etc.
| +- scratch/     # temporary files that can be safely deleted or lost
+- Makefile       # executable Makefile for this study


  • See /elsevier/manuscript.Rmd and /elsevier/manuscript.pdf for notes of rmarkdown
  • R package: lehuynh, template draft_elsevier.

  • R packages: patchwork, prettydoc, xaringan