
First task of the HNGx internship.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


First task of HNG internship

Task: Frontend Page Creation with Specific Elements


Develop and host a web page using HTML, CSS, and JS that showcases specific personal and real-time data attributes. Each required element should have a specified data-testid attribute for easy identification and testing.


  1. Slack Name:

    • Display your Slack name prominently.
    • Attribute: data-testid="slackUserName"
  2. Slack Display Picture:

    • Showcase your Slack profile picture.
    • The image's alt attribute should be your Slack username.
    • Attribute: data-testid="slackDisplayImage"
  3. Current Day of the Week:

    • Indicate the current day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
    • Attribute: data-testid="currentDayOfTheWeek"
  4. Current UTC Time:

    • Display the current UTC time in milliseconds.
    • Attribute: data-testid="currentUTCTime"
  5. Track:

    • Mention your track (e.g., Frontend).
    • Attribute: data-testid="myTrack"
  6. GitHub URL:

    • Provide a clickable link to your GitHub repository where the source code for this task resides.
    • Attribute: data-testid="githubURL"


  • Submit your task through the designated submission form at the bottom of this announcement. Ensure you've:
    • Hosted the page on a platform of your choice (e.g., Vercel, GitHub Pages, Netlify).
    • Double-checked all requirements and acceptance criteria.
    • Provide the hosted page's URL in the submission form.
  • Before finalizing your submission, thoroughly review your work to ensure accuracy, functionality, and adherence to the specified guidelines.


The deadline for submissions is September 12, 2023, at 11:59 PM WAT. Late submissions will not be entertained.

NB: If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding the submission process, please message any of the frontend mentors.

Click Here to submit: Submission Form