- 2
Display Bug
#21 opened by ttyler1999 - 0
- 3
- 1
The Settings/Quit buttons a restyle buggy
#19 opened by fnsign - 1
App can't be closed when in loading state
#15 opened by traktuner - 2
Settings / Quit Buttons Text is badly styled
#13 opened by davisstu - 1
Colored menu bar icon defaults to cloudy
#14 opened by lenoyjacob - 2
Feature requests: Multiple locations and show indication of an active weather alert
#9 opened by acousticbiker - 2
traduction en francais / translate in french
#10 opened by freeshare - 9
- 2
[FR]: Open Weather App when clicking on pane.
#7 opened by fnsign - 0
- 1
"Go to GitHub Page" not translated
#6 opened by Svec-Tomas - 2
- 3
"Today" not translated
#5 opened by jotka - 2
Slovak translation
#3 opened by Svec-Tomas - 3
Time on the hourly is cut off
#2 opened by ttyler1999