
Progessive Web App (PWA) showing details about movies, TV shows and actors based on TMDB API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Progressive Web App (PWA) to find details about Movies, TV Shows and People

Formatted with BiomeJS, tested with Vitest and Cypress 🎗

Screenshot Lighthouse

About this project 📝

I am a frontend developer focusing on React and it's ecosystem. I built this project to demonstrate my skills at this time. It is intended to demonstrate problem-solving encountered when building real-world web apps including server-side data fetching, state management, custom form validation, testing, responsive UI, and more.

Project structure 🗺️

  • __test__ Contains unit tests for all components. These test are written with vitest and @testing-library/react
  • cypress Contains all end-to-end tests which I have written with cypress.
  • src/app Contains all the pages that make up this application.
  • src/app/api Contains server-side custom API endpoints.
  • src/components Contains all reusable components.
  • src/utils Contains utility files like custom functions and types used across the project.

How I built this project ⌨️

  • I used NextJS 14 with the App router to set up the project.
  • Data used in this project was provided by TheMovieDB.org API
  • For styling, I used SCSS modules which helped me avoid naming clashes.
  • At this time next lint does not work with this version of nextjs so I used biomejs for code formatting.
  • I used icons that I accessed through react-icons.
  • For unit testing, I use Vitest with react-testing-library.
  • And I used cypress for end-to-end testing.


  • dev - Starts the development server
  • format - Runs code formatting on every file in src, cypress, and __test__ folders
  • test - Runs all unit tests with Vitest
  • cypress:open - Opens Cypress and runs the e2e tests.
