
Unofficial Enphase OpenAPI specification and clients

Primary LanguagePHP

Unofficial Enphase OpenAPI specification and clients

The Enlighten Systems API

The Enlighten Systems API is a JSON-based API that provides access to performance data for a PV system. By using the Enlighten Systems API, you agree to the Enphase Energy API License Agreement.

Please note that the Enlighten Systems API does not provide performance data at a panel or microinverter level.

Provided clients

These API clients were generated by the OpenAPI Generator project version 6.2.1.

Additional clients

Clients in other OpenAPI Generator supported languages can be created as follows:

make ./bin/openapi-generator-cli
./bin/openapi-generator-cli generate \
    -i ./enlighten.yaml \
    -g $LANG \
    -o ./$LANG/enlighten \
    --package-name enlighten \
    --http-user-agent EnphaseOpenAPI/$LANG