
A shiny app for reading a Facebook group's page and showing some cool things about it

Primary LanguageR

To run:

  • Make sure you have the packages listed below installed.
  • Follow the instructions for putting files in a ~/data/ folder. You need to find/add AFFIN-111.txt and secrets.csv
  • In RStudio, open /app/server.R, /app/global.R, or /app/ui.R and click "Run App". Alternatively, set the working directory to /app/ and run library(shiny); runApp()

Packages used:

  • shiny
  • shinyIncubator (from rstudio's GitHub)
  • ggvis
  • lubridate
  • stringr
  • data.table
  • httr
  • igraph

data folder

For "sentiment" portion:

Download AFFIN-111.txt from http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/pubdb/views/publication_details.php?id=6010 Place in ~/data/ You can use a different library if you want to. Right now, the format it looks for is .tsv. The first column is a word and second is the score for that word. See below for sample.

abandon	-2
abandoned	-2
abandons	-2
abducted	-2
abduction	-2

Also in the ~/data/ directory, I have a file called secrets.csv. In this file, I have entries for the cohort page's group id, and my Facebook token. The file looks like this:

cohort_page,<cohort page id>
api_token,<api token>