
Stats based around individual players in NCAABB. Pending a cuter name

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Run Book

  1. poetry run python create_all_performances.py
    • Grab the latest performances from S3.
    • This assumes that you've run the endgame-aws job
    • This'll pull the data created by that into data/ as files like all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
  2. poetry run python vpp_model.py {league}
    • Make a model for updating the career VPP given performances.
    • Reads in files like all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
    • Creates models/{league}.pkl
  3. defensive_vpp_model.ipynb
    • Make a model for updating players' defensive VPPs.
    • Reads in:
      • all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
      • models/{league}.pkl
    • Creates:
      • models/{league}_defense.pkl
  4. adjusted_model.ipynb
    • Make a model for updating the career VPP given performances adjusted for the defenses they're playing
    • Reads in:
      • all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
      • models/{league}.pkl
      • models/{league}_defense.pkl
    • Creates:
      • models/{league}_adjusted.pkl
  5. poetry run python current_teams.py
    • Get everybody's ratings given the models created in the previous steps.
    • Reads in:
      • all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
      • models/{league}.pkl
      • models/{league}_defense.pkl
      • models/{league}_adjusted.pkl
    • Creates:
      • data/{league}_players_ratings.csv
      • data/{league}_player_ratings_defense.csv
  6. poetry run python names.py
    • Pull extra information on all the players, like names, positions, etc.
    • Reads in:
      • data/{league}_players_ratings.csv
    • Creates:
      • data/{league}_player_info.csv
  7. team_priors.ipynb
    • Create a .csv of VPP priors for every team based on all of their past players
    • Reads in:
      • data/{league}_player_ratings.csv
      • data/{league}_player_info.csv
      • data/{league}_player_ratngs_defense.csv (I think it's currently unused since this doesn't create defensive priors)
      • all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
    • Creates:
      • data/{league}_team_priors.csv
  8. defense_vpp_model_prior.ipynb
    • Reads in:
      • models/{league}.pkl
      • all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
      • data/{league}_team_priors.csv
    • Creates:
      • models/{league}_defense_team_prior.pkl
  9. adjusted_model_prior.ipynb
    • Reads in:
      • all_performances_{league}_{year}.csv
      • models/{league}_defense_team_prior.pkl
    • Creates
      • models/{league}_adjusted_team_prior.pkl
  10. poetry run python current_teams.py _team_prior
    • Creates
      • data/{league}_player_ratings{prior}.csv
      • data/{league}_player_ratings_defense{prior}.csv
  11. explore.ipynb to look around at the best this has to offer. General takes:
    • Defense isn't having much effect
      • Partly b/c of that, I didn't implement defensive team priors.
    • The top players are decent, especially womens
    • Top teams are :sus:, I'm not really sure why
      • I thought maybe the PER-based player ratings would be too offensive heavy, but it doesn't seem to correlate too much with something I trust. Ex: Massey's offensive ratings
      • Some other gaps:
        • PER-based probably double-counts assisted baskets
        • Recruiting ratings would probably be a better prior
        • The distribution of adjusted player rating isn't normal, but I'm treating it like it is