Cargo has long been missing a build --dependencies-only feature, prompting various hacks and workarounds especially for Docker builds.
This package aims to use existing tools and file formats whenever possible:
cargo metadata
is used to generate a minimal buildable project mirroring the current one- The output is a standard Tar archive containing stubs in place of source files, trivial to copy and inspect
- Post-build cleaning of compiled stubs is completed with
cargo clean
generation uses a template that is updated by Dependabot
To inspect this locally run this script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd /path/to/project
cargo plan create
mkdir /tmp/example
cp cargo-plan.tar /tmp/example/
pushd /tmp/example
cargo plan build
Running cargo plan generate-dockefile
produces a Dockerfile
specialized for the current project.
If there are multiple binary targets it picks an arbitrary target as it's entrypoint.
FROM rust:1-slim-buster@sha256:b0b99a29bfa1a80a95051b7608ac44a0e4cbe20bdba466e43fd52492fb334eaf AS base
RUN cargo install --git --rev e3f594ae62b2b4c6861458e41bb7079345b3efa7
FROM base AS planner
COPY . .
RUN cargo plan create -- --all-features --locked
FROM base AS builder
COPY --from=planner /app/cargo-plan.tar cargo-plan.tar
RUN cargo plan build -- --release --frozen
COPY . .
RUN cargo build --release --bins --frozen
FROM debian:buster-slim@sha256:1be41347adaee8303bf12114b9edf4af0b35a5e1d9756b3ddad59856eaa31ea7
COPY --from=builder ["/app/target/release/cargo-plan", "./"]
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/cargo-plan"]