
Twitter Kit is a native SDK to include Twitter content inside mobile apps.

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Legacy support for Twitter Kit for iOS

Twitter has discontinued support for Twitter Kit on October 31, 2018. Read the blog post here.


Twitter Kit is a native SDK to include Twitter content in mobile apps. Twitter Kit is designed to make interacting with Twitter seamless and efficient.

Install using CocoaPods via:

pod 'TwitterKitLegacy', '>=3.5.0' # 3.5.0 is the first open source version

Twitter Kit Features

  • Display Tweets and timelines
    • Native views to display Tweets in alignment with Twitter's display guidelines.
    • Timeline adapters for displaying collections, lists, and profile timelines from the Twitter API
    • Search result timelines using the Search API, with additional client-side filter capability
  • Compose Tweets
    • Share Tweets with text, URLs, photos and video.
    • Automatically handles API access and login for quick sharing.
  • Log in with Twitter
    • Authorize users, using the Twitter accounts already on their phone.
    • Support for requesting email address
  • Access the Twitter API
    • API client for all interactions with the Twitter API.

Components of Twitter Kit iOS

  • TwitterCore
    • Network calls are handled
  • TwitterKit
    • Tweet display
  • TwitterShareExtensionUI
    • Tweet composer


Get started

Install using Cocoapods

To add Twitter Kit to your app, simply add TwitterKitLegacy to your Podfile.

target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'TwitterKitLegacy', '>=3.5.0' # 3.5.0 is the first open source version

Preview Twitter Kit Features in the Demo App

Twitter Kit includes a demonstration app allowing you to preview features, and verify functionality. Create Twitter API keys as above, and then:

  • To check out a demo app with features already built in, rename DemoApp/Config.xcconfig.sample to DemoApp/Config.xcconfig and populate the consumer key and secret.
  • Run DemoApp.xcworkspace on Xcode to verify build.


The master branch of this repository contains the latest stable release of Twitter Kit.

Twitter Kit can be used as a dependency for substantial other work, and we welcome fixes and enhancements to the core libraries as well. See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details about how to contribute.


For usage questions post on Twitter Community. Please report any bugs as issues. Follow @TwitterDev on Twitter for updates.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0