Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)

Simple API with a single user table that allows users to register and login



  • Authentication.
  • Express Middleware.
  • JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
  • Hashing Passwords.


In this project we'll implement a full authentication workflow (register/login/logout/restrict endpoint) using Node.js, Express, SQLite and JSON Web Tokens on the server.


Use Node.js, Express and Knex to build an API that provides Authentication functionality using SQLite to store User information.

The user schema should include: username and password.

Use JSON Web Tokens to keep users authenticated across requests.

Design and build the following endpoints.

Method Endpoint Description
POST /auth/register Creates a user using the information sent inside the body of the request. Hash the password before saving the user to the database.
POST /auth/login Use the credentials sent inside the body to authenticate the user. On successful login, create a new JWT with the user id as the subject and send it back to the client. If login fails, respond with the correct status code and the message: 'You shall not pass!'