
Project created in fulfilment of the UoM Masters in AI study unit ICS5115 - Statistics for Data Scientists

Primary LanguageR

Eurovision Diplomacy: Investigating Neighbourhood Voting Through Data Analytics

Project created in fulfilment of the UoM Masters in AI study unit ICS5115 - Statistics for Data Scientists


This research investigates voting patterns in the European Song Contest through statistical, network, corre�lation, and clustering analyses on voting data spanning from 1957 to 2023, and country characteristics. The study aims to determine whether neighbourhood voting, particularly between countries with geographical, linguistic, and ethnic commonalities, is prevalent within the contest. The results reveal that the existing voting patterns are non-random, with voting blocs in geographic proximity, as well as language and ethnic similarities to a lesser extent, having a significantly larger chance of voting for one another.

The full report can be found in Eurovision Diplomacy - Investigating Neighbourhood Voting Through Data Analytics.pdf.

Folder Contents

  • data: Directory containing the data files.
  • outputs: Directory containing the data files created by the scripts
  • extra: Contains the Python code used to extract the ethnicities dataset from the CIA website

Script Files

  • borders_data_preparation.R
  • borders_voting.R
  • clustering_analysis.R
  • ethnic_data_preparation.R
  • ethnic_voting.R
  • language_data_preparation.R
  • language_voting.R
  • libraries.R
  • random_voting_analysis.R
  • random_voting_creation.R

A detailed description of the content of each of these scripts can be found at the top of each script. Below please find the best sequence of following the scripts.

Library Requirements

The following R libraries are required to run the code:

  • dplyr
  • ggplot2
  • ggrepel
  • igraph
  • maps
  • mapdata
  • purrr
  • readr
  • reshape2
  • sf
  • stringi
  • stringr
  • tidyr

Installation Instructions

To install the required libraries, you can run the provided libraries.R script. This script will automatically install all necessary libraries.


  1. Open R or RStudio.
  2. Set the working directory to the location of the extracted files.
  3. Open the 'ics5115.Rproj' file
  4. Run the libraries.R script to install all required libraries.

Manual Installation:

Alternatively, you can manually install each package by running the following commands in your R console:

install.packages('stringi', type='win.binary')

or by uncommenting and running the commands found at the top of each script, and installing as necessary.

Running the Scripts

While the files can all be run independently from one another, due to the extracted data all being saved in the outputs folder, the recommended logical sequence is as follows:

  • libraries.R
  • borders_data_preparation.R
  • borders_voting.R
  • language_data_preparation.R
  • language_voting.R
  • ethnic_data_preparation.R
  • ethnic_voting.R
  • random_voting_analysis.R
  • random_voting_creation.R
  • clustering_analysis.R