- 8
- 2
Can't install plugin
#30 opened by Natym-git - 4
nativescript local storage issue
#34 opened by EddyMurphy95 - 7
Webpack angular usage
#3 opened by lukashlobil - 1
- 2
Problem using localstorage with Parse SDK
#32 opened by KirilOkun - 2
- 1
Any way to define expiration?
#28 opened by vahidvdn - 12
Typescript d.ts
#8 opened by lommez - 3
Sync or Async lib?
#27 opened by j-d-carmichael - 1
Storing data is local storage is safe?
#26 opened by Omi231 - 1
Is this secure storage (keystore, etc)?
#25 opened by westlakem - 7
Save items to iCloud?
#24 opened by NL33 - 2
- 1
get and set value type object
#23 opened by YouSour - 2
Is localstorage still saved after app update?
#20 opened by NL33 - 4
Does not serialize on setItem
#17 opened by DanLatimer - 1
Please update instructions
#19 opened by virtualbjorn - 12
Webpack uglify
#10 opened by tushar-1health - 5
localStorage is not defined (but defined???)
#15 opened by grendizeras - 2
License Confirmation
#14 opened by NL33 - 1
setItem writes multiple keys at once
#13 opened by AdamDenoon - 1
Q: Why use file read/write methods?
#6 opened by pitAlex - 7
- 2
WebPack "global" usage
#4 opened by NathanaelA - 1
global.moduleMerge is undefined
#7 opened by terreb - 3