Collaboration Bemovies Project


This project is a movie website built to demonstrate the integration of JS and TMDB API (The Movie Database API). The primary goal is to showcase dynamic fetching and rendering of movie data, along with clean design and smooth user interactions. It allows users to browse popular movies, search for specific titles, and view detailed information about each film.


  • Home Page: Displays popular movies fetched from TMDB API.
  • Movie Search Functionality: Allows users to search for specific movies by title.
  • Movie Details Page: Provides detailed information about a selected movie, including the title, description, rating, release date, and more.
  • Styled Components: Uses Styled-Components to manage styling, promoting modular and reusable styles.

Technology Used

  • TMDB API: The app uses The Movie Database API to fetch movie data dynamically.

  • Styled Components: CSS-in-JS styling solution for building reusable and modular CSS within components.

  • Axios: For making HTTP requests to the TMDB API and handling responses.

  • JavaScript (ES6+): Used throughout for logic, API calls, and handling user interaction.

  • Consuming APIs


  • Static API Key:

  • No Backend: This project focuses only on the frontend and API interaction. There's no backend for authentication or storing user data.


The link to my HTML/CSS work can be found here: Bemovies-Nathaly.