- 0
User Profile (extended examples)
#457 opened by sylwesterdigital - 2
Error BottomNavigation in android
#435 opened - 1
UI Documentation for Alert incorrect
#448 opened by enstenr-zz - 4
Uglify failing with latest version
#347 opened by ZawNaing - 4
- 2
http DI example not using root injector
#357 opened by yringler - 1
Camera example not working on iOS
#306 opened by NickIliev - 0
DatePicker using UK format reverts to US format
#436 opened by mrwrighty - 5
Error : Flavor nativescript-camera has unknown dimension nativescript-camera
#273 opened by nachiketglobant - 13
Error occurred while trying tns run android
#270 opened by iowayyed - 1
text-view doesn't as returnPress event on ng
#335 opened by ronaiza-cardoso - 2
Search Bar keyboard popup issue on Android
#337 opened by marklanhamhc - 3
- 0
- 2
Replace the link to ``
#317 opened by shiv19 - 2
Broken anchor link
#316 opened by shiv19 - 3
NativeScript 4.1 with Angular: Modal view with navigation may result in router issues so some pages can no longer be shown
#283 opened by joemundo - 5
- 2
Scroll View is not working with ngFor.
#185 opened by dinesh36 - 2
Activity Indicator does not show overlay
#180 opened by shaikhspear16 - 2
Issue in use scrollView in tabView
#176 opened by gauravbabu74 - 2
Error: com.tns.NativeScriptException: Failed to find module: "tns-core-modules/globals", relative to: app/tns_modules
#188 opened by zsolt-racz - 2
barcode scanner
#210 opened by radhakrishnan0404 - 2
own dialog
#207 opened by radhakrishnan0404 - 4
how to update user information
#214 opened by nelsonwilliam11 - 2
remove large gapes between rows
#224 opened by nelsonwilliam11 - 2
Modal page layout
#221 opened by mendokar - 6
- 2
TextField undefined
#229 opened by madsongr - 3
HTTP Post not working
#230 opened by madsongr - 2
Webpack bundling issue
#178 opened by dennis-montana - 4
Time Picker Code Samples
#172 opened by manojdcoder - 2
ScrollView is not working for vertical
#238 opened by dhananjaykumar880 - 2
- 3
Error occurred while tns run
#246 opened by LHLK - 7
Just cloned: Runtime Error
#243 opened by gbonline - 3
Unable to create application com.tns.NativeScriptApplication, Error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.tns.NativeScriptActivity
#242 opened by dhananjaykumar880 - 4
- 4
Errors during installation
#247 opened by LHLK - 14
Google api handler error while adding geolocation plugin with google-map sdk
#227 opened by hafizabid - 2
- 2
HttpHeaders in Http Service are not used correctly
#268 opened by fthuin - 8
Text-View submit event not working
#253 opened by dali-gharbi - 4
How to use *ngFor inside a custom directive ? Anything to import while using *ngFor ?
#182 opened by sagarpandya94 - 2
- 2
Modal navigation sample does not look ok on iOS
#299 opened by dtopuzov - 2
Tabview display problem
#293 opened by liuchuancong - 3
NativeScript samples site is down
#296 opened by starquake - 1
Open sample with deep linking
#297 opened by dtopuzov - 1