
My interpretation of lox

Primary LanguageC


This repository is for educatinoal purposes and is my implementation of the clox language described in the crafting interpreters book.

Each branch represents each chapter in the book so you can see how the book builds up the interpreter.

Syntax is similar to C and is intended to work as an object oriented language

message = "Hello world!";
isTrue = true;

if (message && isTrue) {
  print message; // "Hello World!" 



// run as script file
main [file]

// repl mode

Planned implementations

After I have finished the book I plan to build on the lox language and add the following features

  • Dictionaries/hash tables
  • Switch statements
  • Python style f-string interpretation e.g. print(f"Hello {your_name}");
  • static class functions
  • abstract class functions