
Simple site for UoP staff and Students to Request an invitation to the UoP Repos organisation

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Simple site for UoP staff and Students to Request an invitation to the UoP Repos organisation

Local development instructions


  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run yarn install or npm install
  3. Run yarn dev:site or npm run dev:site to start development web server
  4. Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser

Cloud Functions:

  1. Clone the repo

  2. Run yarn install or npm install

  3. Run "GITHUB_ORG=SOME_ORG \nGITHUB_TOKEN=GH_PAT" > .env.development.local

  4. Update .env.development.local with your GitHub organisation and token (Use a token with the org scope). You may need to make a org for testing purposes.

  5. Run yarn dev:cloud or npm run dev:cloud to serve cloud functions locally (you will need to restart the server after every change)

  6. Run

      ~/git/github/uoprepos/RequestInvite(main) » curl --request POST \
        --url <http://localhost:8080/> \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data '{
          "email":"UPnumber@port.ac.uk" # or Staff Email

Deployment instructions

The following instructions assume you are deploying to a Google Cloud Function with the default configuration of this Project (i.e. no customisation). If you are deploying to a different platform, please refer to the instructions for that platform.

If you would prefer to use Google cloud Secret Manager instead of the default configuration, please refer to the documentation for the Google Cloud Secret Manager.

Cloud Functions:

  1. Download and setup Cloud SDK from google, You will need to Have a Google Cloud account.

  2. Return into the root of the repo

        ~ » cd ~/git/github/uoprepos/
  3. Add to .env.production.yaml

  1. Update .env.production.yaml with your GitHub organisation and token (Use a token with the org scope)
  2. Run yarn install or npm install to update dependencies
  3. Run yarn deploy:cloudor npm run deploy:cloud to deploy the cloud functions


  1. I recommend you deploy the cloud functions first. As you need to know the URL of the cloud function.

  2. Return into the root of the repo

        ~ » cd ~/git/github/uoprepos/
  3. Run yarn install or npm install to update dependencies

  4. Update .env.production with the REGION and PROJECT_ID from the cloud function

  5. Run yarn deploy:site or npm run deploy:site to deploy the website to github pages

  6. Ensure github pages setup to use the gh-pages branch

  7. Open https://uoprepos.github.io/ in your browser