

Primary LanguageVim Script

Gutelfuldead Dot Files

More of a new system setup. install.sh Will do the following with a confirmation [y/n] prompt first,

  • Installs applications
    • Ubuntu
    • CentOS
    • Arch
    • Common Python-Pip packages
    • Common applications from Github
  • Updates all dotfiles
    • Anything that would be replaced is first backed up in $(pwd)/backup maintaining folder hierarchy
    • ~/.bashrc sources a user generated local ~/.bash_aliases file for anything machine specific that doesn't belong in a common ~/.bashrc like cd aliases, license server environment variables, etc.
  • Updates VIM environment
  • Adds user to groups required by apps
  • Installs Cinnamon Desktop

Full list of packages by distribution apps.csv.

First column (AppType) uses key,

Key Descrption
A Common package for All distributions
C CentOS only package (uses yum)
U Ubuntu/Debian only package (uses apt)
X Arch only package (uses pacman)
AUR Arch User Repository Package
P Python package uses pip2/pip3, ensure these occur AFTER the local python-pip installations using the package manager
G Git build with make/configure
GP Group to add user to (if it exists on the system)
RC Remove CentOS package from base distro install
S Snap packages

Install rcm

here=$(pwd) &&
mkdir ~/.rcm &&
cd ~/.rcm &&
curl -LO https://thoughtbot.github.io/rcm/dist/rcm-1.3.3.tar.gz &&
tar -xvf rcm-1.3.3.tar.gz &&
cd rcm-1.3.3 &&
./configure &&
make &&
sudo make install &&
cd $here

and manually add dotfiles

rcup -v -d ./files

Decent Guide

man page

Add new file to rcm control

mkrc -v -d /path/to/this/repo/dotfiles/files ~/.thisfile

Will copy file to local /path/to/this/repo/dotfiles/files

View all symlinks


Update all symlinks


Notes specific to XPS13 laptop setup with Arch.