Lead-Discovery-For-Rheumathoid-Arthritis (RA)

Project from Computational Structural Biology for Lead Dug Discovery Course from Masters in Computational Biology

  • Authors of this project for the LBVS and Pharmacophore Screening parts are Ana Solbas Casajús and Natalia García Sánchez
  • The author of this project for the SBVS is Natalia García Sánchez

The following repository contains code, data and outputs described for the Ligand Based Virtual Screening (LBVS), Pharmacophore-Based Ligand Virtual Screening, and Structure-Based Virtual Screening pipelines applied from the query molecule tofacitinib to discover new novel candidates for DMARD indications against Rheumathoid Arthritis

In addition, the RA_candidates_and_tofacitinib_dock.csv show the fist 5 candidates with the highest affinity values recorded for the ligand candidate database, the 10 candidates from which they were selected, and the original tofacitinib affinity and KD for docking against JAK1, JAK2 and JAK3

These were the final candidates proposed:

CHEMBL3715062 CCCN(CCC)c1ncnc2[nH]c3ccc(C(N)=O)cc3c12 77.562711 72.1591391 1272540.65
CHEMBL78377 Cc1[nH]c2nc(-c3ccccc3)nc(NCCCN3CCCC3=O)c2c1C 78.422995 101.666199 1344808.87
CHEMBL4087971 CN1CCN([C@H]2CCC@HCC2)CC1 78.746892 38.1306803 953467.322
CHEMBL3715974 NC(=O)c1ccc2[nH]c3ncnc(N4CCCCCC4)c3c2c1 78.8360648 38.1306803 953467.322
CHEMBL4069969 C=CC(=O)N1CCC@HC@HC1 79.2031315 38.1306803 953467.322

And these were the original tofacitinib (current indication for RA) affinity and KD for docking against JAK1, JAK2 and JAK3 values

ID Retrieved from Kd(JAK1) nm Kd(JAK2) nm Kd(JAK3) nm
Tofacitinib AutoDock Vina 249.775655 964.793883 1601.4604
affinity values (kcal/mol)
-9 -8.2 -7.9