Temperature Reading Prediction

Model Architectures

  1. Small_CNN: Conv(5, 5, 64) -> Conv(3, 3, 64) -> Conv(3, 3, 128) -> Conv(3, 3, 256) -> Conv(3, 3, 512) -> Conv(3, 3, 512) -> Linear(8192, 101) During all convolutions, the input is zero padded to make input-output spatial dimensions same and stride is 1. Each convolution layer is followed by a Batch Normalization layer, ReLU activation and 2x2 MaxPooling layer.

  2. Large_CNN: Conv(5, 5, 32) -> Conv(3, 3, 64) -> Conv(3, 3, 128) -> Conv(3, 3, 256) -> Conv(3, 3, 512) -> Conv(3, 3, 512) -> Linear(524288, 101) During all convolutions, the input is zero padded to make input-output spatial dimensions same and stride is 1. Each convolution layer is followed by a Batch Normalization layer, ReLU activation. 2x2 MaxPooling layer is added after every 2 convolution layers.

The Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 1e-3 and default values of beta is used. Batch size of 32 is used during training.

Data Pre-Processing

Input images are resized to 256 x 256 dimensions using bilinear interpolation.

Loss Function Used

The loss function used is the Cross Entropy Loss. The problem is framed as a 101 class (0, 1, 2, . . ., 100) classification problem. For the Small_CNN model the MSE Loss is also tried. In this case the problem is framed as a regression problem.

Metric Used

The accuracy is used as the metric for the problem. When doing classification, taking the argmax of the models predictions gives the predicted class. During regression, the models prediction is calculated by rounding the model output to the nearest integer.


All results are averaged over 3 random seeds.

Small CNN Training Curve


Large CNN Training Curve


Small CNN with MSE Training Curve


Final Accuracy on Validation Set (Averaged over 3 seeds)

Small CNN Large CNN Small CNN MSE
Mean 91.99 30.10 44.68
Error +/- 0.32 +/- 12.71 +/- 30.63

Final Accuracy on Test Set (Averaged over 3 seeds)

Small CNN Large CNN Small CNN MSE
Mean 91.86 30.63 43.78
Error +/- 0.93 +/- 13.68 +/- 30.08

Visualizations of Results

Small CNN

Correct Results

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Prediction 34 47 70
Ground Truth 34 47 70

Incorrect Results

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Prediction 22 65 76
Ground Truth 20 64 77

Large CNN

Correct Results

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Prediction 26 45 50
Ground Truth 26 45 50

Incorrect Results

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Prediction 51 56 85
Ground Truth 36 55 84


From the results we notice that when the model makes an error, it is not much far from the ground truth. In fact, the difference is so small it is not easy to distinguish by human inspection. The Smaller model performs better. This could be due to the smaller dataset size which can cause the larger model to overfit. Furthermore, the models were only trained for 10 epochs. This may not have been enough to fully converge the larger model. A future next step is to try data augmentation. Some augmentations that could be useful are vertical flipping and grayscaling the image. Another extension can be to use an off-the shelf digit detector to detect the minimum and maximum readings of the thermometers. This can be used as input to the model and will help provide more information.