
This code is a simple implementation of the classic game "Snake" in C++

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Snake Game

using C++ console output.

Header Files

  • #include <iostream>: Standard input-output stream.
  • #include <conio.h>: Provides console input/output functions.
  • #include <windows.h>: Includes functions for console manipulation and sleeping.

Global Variables

  • gameOver: Flag to control the game loop.
  • width and height: Dimensions of the game board.
  • x and y: Snake's current position.
  • fruitX and fruitY: Position of the fruit for the snake to eat.
  • score: Player's score.
  • tailX and tailY: Arrays to store the tail positions of the snake.
  • nTail: Length of the snake's tail.
  • enum eDirecton: Enumerated type for defining directions.


  • Setup(): Initializes game variables, positions, and randomizes the fruit's position.
  • Draw(): Draws the game board, snake, fruit, and displays score.
  • Input(): Handles user input to change the snake's direction.
  • Logic(): Manages the game logic including snake movement, collision detection, and fruit eating.

Main Function

  • main(): Sets up the game, runs the game loop, and controls the game's flow.

Game Logic

  • The snake moves through user input ('a', 'd', 'w', 's') and cannot move backward.
  • The snake grows in length when it eats the fruit, increasing the score.
  • The game ends if the snake collides with the boundary or itself (gameOver is set to true).


  • The game loop continuously updates the screen, takes input, and processes the logic.
  • The snake's position, tail, and fruit position determine the game's state and progression.
  • Written by 'NattyXO' with credits to 'NVitanovic' from a YouTube tutorial.
  • The source code is available on GitHub under the repository 'NattyXO' for further reference and explanations.

Potential Enhancements

  • Implementing levels or increasing difficulty over time.
  • Adding sound effects or graphical improvements.
  • Enhancing collision detection or adding power-ups.

This game is a basic rendition of Snake, illustrating fundamental concepts of game development in C++. Feel free to modify and expand upon it for further learning or entertainment purposes!