
NodeJS + SQL Backend with AngularJS Website, Epilogue Rest API endpoints, JWT, and hashed passwords

Primary LanguageCSS

AMEN_SQL Stack 🙏

git add .; git commit -m "update"; git remote add origin https://github.com/NatuMyers/A.M.E.N.SQL-Stack.git; git push -u origin master

(When POSTing by cURLing, add the hashword first!)


A ngularJS
M aterialize (Frontend) https://github.com/krescruz/angular-materialize
E xpressJS
N odeJS
Sequelize ORM + SQL
Epilogue for json REST endpoints bcrypt for password hashing

##Scaffolded with a Yeoman Generator https://github.com/rayokota/generator-angular-express-sequelize (But instead of SQLITE uses MySQL)