Data Science & Machine Learning With Python

Module 01: Introduction & Basic Python

Important Discussion on:
● What is Data Science? ● What is Machine Learning? ● Data Science Venn Diagram. ● Differences between Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. ● Why Python for Data Science. ● Python vs R. ● Future of Data Science. ● Why Machine Learning so popular? ● Types of Learning in ML. ● Supervised Learning. ● Unsupervised Learning. ● Supervised vs Unsupervised. ● All about ML Algorithms. ● Data Science Job Market.

Software Installation:
● Python ● Anaconda ● Jupyter Notebook
Basic Python:
● Input / Output Functions ● Variables
Variables Data Structures: -
● Python Data Structures ● Lists ● Tuples ● Functions

Data Structures: -
● Python Arrays ● Sets ● Dictionaries ● Data Frame Loop & Condition: • Loops (for, while) • Python Conditions (if,elif,else)
Discussion on Important Libraries: -
● NumPy ● Pandas ● Vaex ● Matplotlib ● Seaborn ● Scikit Learn ● Keras ● TensorFlow ● Pytorch

Module 02: Regression & Feature Engineering

All About Single Variable Linear Regression:
▪ What is Linear Regression? ▪ Uses of Linear Regression in Real Life. ▪ Straight Line ▪ Curve Line ▪ Slope ▪ Intercept ▪ Math: In Depth Intuition of Linear Regression ▪ Cost Function ▪ Lose Function ▪ Mean Absolute Error (MAE) ▪ Mean Squared Error (MSE) ▪ Minimizing the Cost: Gradient Decent Algorithm ▪ Create Data Set in CSV Format ▪ Analysis Data with Matplotlib ▪ Implement Single Variable Linear Regression with Python and Real Dataset ▪ Future Value Prediction ▪ Assignment (Real Data Set)

Feature Engineering:
▪ Different Types of Variables ▪ Work with Categorical Variables ▪ Measure of Central Tendency- ▪ Mean ▪ Median ▪ Mode ▪ Theory of One Hot Encoding ▪ One Hot Encoding with Python ▪ Theory of Label Encoding ▪ Label Encoding with Python ▪ Theory of Label Encoding ▪ Label Encoding with Python ▪ Theory of Ordinal Encoding ▪ Ordinal Encoding with Python ▪ Mean or Target Encoding ▪ Mean or Target Encoding with Python ▪ Assignment (Real Data Set)

Feature Engineering:
● What is Feature Scaling? ● Techniques of Feature Scaling in Machine Learning ● Theory of Normalization ● Normalization with Python ● Standardization ● Standardization with Python ● Theory of Robust Scaler ● Robust Scaler with Python ● Theory of Logarithmic Transformation ● Logarithmic Transformation with Python ● Theory of Reciprocal Transformation ● Reciprocal Transformation with Python ● Assignment (Real Data Set)

All About Multiple Variable Linear Regression:
● All about Gradient Decent in ML ● Linear Regression with Gradient Decent ● Math Behind Multiple Variable Linear Regression ● Handle Missing Values with Python (Mean & Median) ● Implement Multiple Variable Linear Regression with Python and Real Dataset ● R Squared Value ● Implement R Square with Python ● Simple ML Project: Future Profit Prediction Based on Previous Data ● Introduction to & How to Download and Use Data Set from ● Assignment (Real Data Set)

Module 03: Classification & Feature Engineering

Introduction to Classification Algorithms: All about Decision Tree
• Basic Logarithmic Operations. • All about Tree. • What is Decision Tree Algorithm? • What is Entropy in Decision Tree? • What is Information Gain? • What is Gini Index? • In Depth Mathematics Behind Decision Tree. • Implementation of Decision Tree with Python. • Visualize and Download Tree. • Assignment (Real Data Set)

Result Analysis:
● Theory of Confusion Matrix. ● Confusion Matrix with Python. ● Accuracy. ● Precision. ● Recall. ● F1-Measure. ● Specificity. ● AUC Curve. ● ROC Curve. ● Assignment (Real Data Set). ● Project on: Cardiovascular Diseases Prediction using ML

All about Ensemble Algorithms:
● What are Ensemble Techniques in Machine Learning? ● Types of Ensemble Techniques. ● Theory of Random Forest. ● In Depth Mathematics Behind Random Forest. ● Random Forest with Python. ● Decision Tree Vs Random Forest Hyper Parameter Tuning in Machine Learning: ● Random Search for Classification ● Grid Search for Classification ● Genetic Algorithm

Logistic Regression:
● What is Logistic Regression? ● What is Sigmoid Function? ● In Depth Mathematics Behind Logistics Regression Algorithm. ● Logistic Regression with Python ● Linear Regression Vs Logistic Regression ● Simple ML Project: Heart Attack Prediction with Python & ML ● Assignment (Real Data Set)

Feature Engineering:
● What is Feature Selection in Machine Learning? ● Theory of Principle Component Analysis. ● Principle Component Analysis with Python. ● Different Types of Feature Selection Methods. ● Chi Square Test with Python. ● Select KBest. ● Select kBest with Python. ● Correlation Matrix. ● Correlation Matrix with Heatmap. ● Imbalance Dataset ● Feature Sampling using SMOTETomek ● Under Sampling using NearMiss ● Over Sampling using RandomOverSampler ● Assignment (Real Data Set).

All about K-Nearest Neighbors:
● What is KNN Algorithm? ● Euclidean Distance Formula. ● KNN for Classification. ● KNN for Regression. ● In Depth Mathematics Behind K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Algorithm. ● KNN Regressor vs KNN-Classifier. ● Tuning: KNN Regress and KNN Classifier ● Implementing KNN with Python ● Assignment (Real Data Set

Important Statistical Analysis:
● Hypothesis Testing (Type 1 & Type 2 Error. ● What is Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)? ● Example of ANOVA Test. ● What is T-Test? ● Example of T Test. ● ANOVA Vs T-Test. ● P Value, T-test, ANOVA When to Use What, Implementation with Python. ● Z Score Statistics. ● All About Correlation Analysis. ● Normal Distribution ● Removing Outliers with Python

All about Cross Validation:
● What is Cross Validation in Machine Learning? ● Cross Validation Techniques. ● Theory of K Fold Cross Validation. ● Hold Out Cross Validation ● K-Fold Cross Validation ● Leave One-Out Cross Validation (LOOCV) ● Stratified K Fold Cross Validation ● Train Test Split Vs K Fold CV. ● Assignment (Real Data Set).

All about Support Vector Machine:
● Theory of Support Vector Machine (SVM) in Machine Learning. ● Hyperplanes and Support Vectors. ● Math Behind SVM. ● SVM Kernels ● Assignment (Real Data Set) ● SVM for Linear Data ● SVM for Non-Linear Data ● SVM Implementation with Python.

Module 05: Basic Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Feature Engineering:
● What is Feature Extraction Techniques? ● Bag of Words Model in NLP. ● What is Count Vectorizer? ● Count Vectorizer with Python. ● What is Tfidf Vectorizer? ● Tfidf Vectorizer with Python. ● What is Hashing Vectorizer? ● Hashing Vectorizer with Python. ● What is Word2vec? ● Word2vec with Python. ● Countvectorizer vs Tfidfvectorizer vs Hashing ● Uses of Vectorizer in NLP. ● Use of Natural Language Toolkit in NLP (NLTK) ● Lemmatisation in NLP ● WordNetLemmatizer in NLP ● Stemming in NLP ● PorterStemmer in NLP ● Assignment (Real Data Set)

All about Naïve Bayes:
● What is Bayes Theorem? ● Statistics & Probability ● Statistics & Probability with Python ● Naïve Bayes Algorithm ● Naïve Bayes Algorithm with Python ● Naïve Bayes for Text Classification ● Gaussian NB, Bernoulli NB, MultiNomial NB ● Simple ML Project: Spam Comments Classification with Python ● Assignment (Real Data Set)

All about Xgboost & Adaboost:
● Why Ensemble Learning? ● What is Bagging? ● Why Boosting? ● Math Behind Xgboost Classifier and Regressor? ● Xgboost with Python ● All about Adaboost ● Math Behind Adaboost ● Adaboost with Python ● Assignment on Xgboost and Adaboost

Module 06: Unsupervised Learning

Cluster Algorithms:
● What is Unsupervised Learning? ● Types of Clusters. ● Theory of K-Means Cluster Algorithm. ● Single & Multiple Variable Cluster. ● K-Means Cluster with Python. ● Hierarchical Clustering. ● Optimal Number of Cluster Selection. ● Elbow Method. ● Elbow Method with Python. ● Simple ML Project: Market Basket Analysis. ● Assignment (Real Data Set)

Module 07: Deep Learning

Neural Network:
● All about Neural Network Class 21 ● Tensorflow vs Pytorch ● What is Deep Learning? ● Types of Neural Network ● What is Neuron? ● Human Brain Vs Artificial Neuron ● All about Artificial Neural Network (ANN) ● All about Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) ● Kernels, Relu, Convolution ● Data Augmentations

Module 08: Final

Guidelines: ● Scope of Higher Studies in Data Science. ● Guide to be a Good Programmer. ● Sharing Experience for Data Science Journey. ● Machine Learning for Future Research. ● R for Data Science. ● Kaggle Competitions. ● ML Jobs, Resume & Salary. ● ML Interview Questions