This utility is designed to run any shell command and retry if no new line was written to stdout within a specified timeout. Especially useful in CI to retry flaky tests/scripts
The default timeout applies to lines written to stdout of the shell command.
Retry is triggered when:
- No new line was written to stdout after specified timeout
Retry is not triggered when:
- The command as a whole takes longer than specified timeout
- The command returns a non-zero (error) return code
To be a good bash-citizen the return code is mirrors the return code of the subcommand or 1 if the command never finished in the specified timeout.
console-retry -t 10 "echo abcd ; false" # Immediate fail
console-retry -r 1 "sleep 70" # Fail after default timeout = 60
console-retry -s -r 1 -t 10 "sleep 15" # Should "skip timeout and therefore succeed after 15s"
console-retry -t 10 "echo abcd ; true" # Immediate success
console-retry -p -o abcd -t 10 " sleep 5; echo abc ;sleep 20; false" # Should Complete with error on second try
console-retry -o abcd -t 10 " sleep 5; echo abc ;sleep 20; false" # Should fail after retrymax (no progressive)
console-retry -o abc -t 10 " sleep 5; echo abc ; false" # Should retry max but never with ok
console-retry -o abc -t 10 ">&2 echo abc ; false" # stderr, should retry max
console-retry -o nomatch -t 10 ">&2 echo abc ; false" # stderr, should fail immediately
console-retry -o abc -t 10 "echo abc ; true" # stderr, should succeed immediately
console-retry -o nomatch -t 10 ">&2 echo abc ; sleep 2; echo def; true" # Output should be: abc \ndef
console-retry -t 10 ">&2 echo abc ; sleep 10; echo def; sleep 10; true" # Staggered output