Deploy Guestbook App in ArgoCD with KinD and Metallb

ArgoCD Architecture

ArgoCD Architecture

Setup Local Kubernetes Environment (KinD) with LoadBalancer (Metallb)

Please refer to the following github repo for setting up a local kubernetes environment using KinD and LoadBalancer using Metallb.

Create Multi-Node Local Kubernetes Cluster (KinD) with LoadBalancer (Metallb)

Project WorkFlow

Installing ArgoCD

kubectl create namespace argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
k get all -n argocd

Change the service type of "argocd-server" from "ClusterIP" to LoadBalancer

For the argocd to utilize Metallb, we have to change the service type of "argocd-server" service from "ClusterIP" to "LoadBalancer"

k edit service argocd-server -n argocd
k get all -n argocd

Now we see that the service type of "argocd-server" service has been changed from "ClusterIP" to "LoadBalancer".

Login ArgoCD Web Interface

username: admin password: "please enter the following command in the terminal"

k -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

Create Application

  • SYNC POLICY: Automatic
  • PRUNE RESOURCES: CHECKED, Argo will delete resources if they are no longer defined in Git
  • SELF HEAL: CHECKED, Argo will force the state defined in Git into the cluster when a deviation in the cluster is detected