Restaurant Menu Webpage

This is a simple HTML webpage presenting a restaurant menu. The menu is divided into three sections: Pizzas 🍕, Burgers 🍔, and Noodles 🍝. The webpage provides a visually appealing and user-friendly display of various food items in each category.


  • Responsive Design: The webpage is designed to be responsive and can adapt to different screen sizes, thanks to the use of the viewport meta tag.

  • Background Image: A background image ('bgImg.png') is utilized to enhance the visual appeal of the webpage. The background image covers the entire page without repeating.

  • Stylish Heading: The main heading "MENU CARD 🍽️" is styled with a large font size, centered alignment, and a semi-transparent background to make it stand out.

  • Section Headings: Each food category (Pizzas, Burgers, Noodles) is highlighted with a bold and colorful heading, making it easy for users to navigate through the menu.

  • Listed Items: The food items in each category are listed using an unordered list, providing a clean and organized presentation. Each item is preceded by a bullet point for clarity.

  • Separator Line: A horizontal line with a yellow color (#fff700) serves as a separator between the heading and the list of items in each category.

  • Footer Message: A message "Don't waste food 🤞" is positioned at the bottom right corner of the webpage, encouraging users to be mindful of food consumption.


  • Font: The 'Arial' font is used for the text content to ensure readability.

  • Color Scheme: The color scheme mainly consists of a dark background with yellow text (#ffe100) for contrast, creating a visually appealing and easily readable layout.


Feel free to use or modify this code for your restaurant or food-related project. Simply replace the food items with your own menu items, and customize the styling to match your brand or theme.


This code was created by NAVANEETHAKRISHNAN.P.S

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out.

Enjoy showcasing your delicious menu! 🍽️