
Elami is an independent publishing platform committed to encouraging a variety of creative pursuits in Telugu world.

Date: 2022-07-04
author: Navanudi
Email: team.navanudi@gmail.com

elami ఎలమి ///( o)\

Unicode logo

elami Brand assets manual

Hello there! I am elami’s logo reference manual. When in doubt consult me. You will get to understand how to use the assets in this directory.

Please feel free to contact studio Navanudi if you have any specific doubts.

Detailed documentation can be found in Navanudi_20220704_elami_Brand-Guidelines-Zine.pdf

Our logo

The logo is an important asset of elami’s brand. It’s distinguishing features makes it identifiable by our customers. It upholds our passion to deliver a good book to our reader.

The logo consists of a four rectangular bars and an eye. The wordmark sits right under the logo.

Using just the logo without the wordmark is a prefferable way to give emphasis to the logo.

The eye in our logo is always searching for a good book just like our reader. It got many expressions to guide you through our content.

Sometimes certain places like the spine of a book are too small to hold our logo. In such places use the eye symbol unlinked from the rest of the logo.

Directory tree

├── Businesscard
│   ├── Bussiness_card.indd
│   └── Bussiness_card.pdf
├── Colours
│   ├── elami_brand_colours.ase
│   └── elami_brand_colours.pdf
├── Fonts
│   ├── Noto_Sans
│   │   ├── NotoSans-Bold.ttf
│   │   ├── NotoSans-Italic.ttf
│   │   ├── NotoSans-Light.ttf
│   │   ├── NotoSans-Regular.ttf
│   │   ├── NotoSans-SemiBold.ttf
│   │   └── OFL.txt
│   └── Noto_Sans_Telugu
│       ├── NotoSansTelugu-Bold.ttf
│       ├── NotoSansTelugu-Light.ttf
│       ├── NotoSansTelugu-Medium.ttf
│       ├── NotoSansTelugu-Regular.ttf
│       ├── NotoSansTelugu-SemiBold.ttf
│       └── OFL.txt
├── Letterhead
│   ├── Navanudi_20220412_elami_letterhead-template.dotx
│   ├── letterhead_meta_elami.pdf
│   ├── sample-1_list_of_partners.pdf
│   └── sample-2_Annexure_a.pdf
├── Logo_and_Wordmark
│   ├── SVGs
│   │   ├── elami_eye.svg
│   │   ├── elami_logo-te.svg
│   │   ├── elami_logo.svg
│   │   ├── elami_logo_en.svg
│   │   └── elami_logo_te_en.svg
│   ├── elami_eye.png
│   ├── elami_logo.png
│   ├── elami_logo_en.png
│   ├── elami_logo_motion.mp4
│   ├── elami_logo_te.png
│   ├── elami_logo_te_en.png
│   └── inverted
│       ├── elami_eye_inverted.png
│       ├── elami_logo_inverted.png
│       ├── elami_logo_inverted_en.png
│       ├── elami_logo_inverted_te.png
│       └── elami_logo_inverted_te_en.png
├── Navanudi_20220704_elami_Brand-Guidelines-Zine.pdf
└── ReadMe.md

Logo safe areas

The safe area which ensures the logo’s prominence is marked up using the eye symbol in the logo. This space has to be free of any graphic/text elements.

We have illustrated the safe areas of the logo and wordmark together in english, telugu and bilingual instances.(find themin the zine.)

Logo placement and sizing

The standard sizes for:

  • A5–148x210–18mm
  • A4–210x297–26mm
  • A3–297x420–37mm

One can easily determine the size of our logo with a simple formula. You just need to devide the width of the canvas with 8 and round up to the nearest 0.5mm, the result is the width of the logo for that canvas.

The most important thing is the minimum size of the logo for print and screens. This decides the threshold of the logo’s legibilty. Which is at what size the logo stops being clear and looses details. For this we employ elami eye.


Our fonts are chosen with the languages we use to tell about ourselves. To maintain a consistency and digital friendliness we are adopting Noto-sans for all brand communication.

The typefaces have to be used appropriately according to the voice of the brand. Keep things subtle and simple unless you need emphasis.

To make things interesting use contrasting typefaces. At some point if you need more font weights of this font family you can find them at google fonts.


Our fonts are chosen with the languages we use to tell about ourselves. To maintain a consistency and digital friendliness we are adopting Noto-sans for all brand communication.

The typefaces have to be used appropriately according to the voice of the brand. Keep things subtle and simple unless you need emphasis.

To give accents use use opposing values.

Hex codes of elami's brand colours:

  • #231f20
  • #b72025
  • #8475b5
  • #ecf6ef


The logo should never be stretched or squashed to fit places. Never redraw or trace. Also, no drop shadows. It is our unique voice and any funny bussiness with our logo is a nono! Any doubts regarding the usage, consult us.