Hotel Database Management System


This project is a Hotel Database Management System developed by a team of 6 members. Each team member was assigned specific tasks related to different tables in the database.

Team Members

  • Navas Herbert

    • Worked on the Bookings table
    • Worked on the Employee table
  • Faith

    • Worked on the Order table
    • Worked on the Customer table
  • Michael

    • Worked on the Expenses table
  • Eric

    • Worked on the Room table
    • Worked on the Roomtype table
  • Ted

    • Worked on the Item table
  • Hinga

    • Worked on the Payment table

Project Structure

The project is organized into different components, each corresponding to a specific table in the hotel management system. Below is a brief overview of each component:

Bookings Table

This component, developed by Navas Herbert, manages the booking information in the hotel system.

Customer Table

Faith Muraya worked on the Customer table, handling customer-related data.

Employee Table

Navas Herbert contributed to the Employee table, ensuring proper management of employee information.

Order Table

Faith Muraya work focused on the Order table, which handles order-related data in the hotel.

Expenses Table

Michael Mutunga played a key role in developing the Expenses table, providing functionality for expense tracking.

Room Table

Eric Kibuchi contributed to the Room table, which manages information about the different rooms in the hotel.

Roomtype Table

Eric Kibuchi also worked on the Roomtype table, capturing details about different types of rooms.

Item Table

Ted Mutwiri focus was on the Item table, handling information about items in the hotel.

Payment Table

Humprehy Hinga work was centered around the Payment table, managing payment-related data.


Khalifa Muyideen - Very vital in the project surpervision.

Getting Started

To set up and run the Hotel Database Management System, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Run the initialization script to set up the database: python
  4. Execute the CLI commands to interact with the system. Refer to the CLI usage instructions for details.

CLI Usage

The project includes a Command-Line Interface (CLI) for interacting with the Hotel Database Management System. Below are some example commands:

  • Add a booking: python add-booking
  • Add a customer: python add-customer
  • Add an employee: python add-employee
  • Add an expense: python add-expense
  • ...

Refer to the CLI help for a complete list of commands and options: python --help.


If you encounter any issues or have questions about the system, feel free to reach out to the respective team members who worked on the specific components.

Thank you for using our Hotel Database Management System! If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know.