
Printf function from Scratch

Primary LanguageC

Creating our own version of 'printf'

This repository contains our own version of the function printf, originally included in the library stdio.h.


Emulates the operation of the printf function which delivers an output according to a format composed by zero or more directives and conversion specifiers:

Specifier Input example Output example
%c "Printing a char: [%c]\n", 'X' Printing a char: [X]
%s "Printing a string: [%s]\n", "Hello, World" Printing a string: [Hello, World]
%d or %i "Printing a number: [%i]\n", 386 Printing a number: [386]
%% "Printing a percent sign: [%%]\n", % Printing a percent sign: [%]

Files in this repository

File Description
holberton.h the header file where are all the prototypes and the structure we use.
_printf.c the main program.
man_3_printf man-page for the program _printf.
_putchar.c here is the function to print one by one character.
mod_character.c here are the function in which all functions are connected to be executed in the main in case of '%' character.
0-basic.c here are the functions to print strings and characters, these will be executed by mod_character in case of a match with the first parameter of this one.
2-numbers.c here are the functions to print integer numbers, these will be executed by mod_character in case of a match with the first parameter of this one.
4-unsigned here are the function to print unsigned integer numbers, these will be executed by mod_character in case of a match with the first parameter of this one.
1415.c here are the functions to print reversed strings and print in rot13, these will be executed by mod_character in case of a match with the first parameter of this one.


gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic *.c

Examples to use it

#include "holberton.h"
 * main - main function
 * Return: always 0
int main()
    _printf("Hello World!/n");
    return (0);

output: Hello World!

#include "holberton.h"
 * main - main function
 * Return: always 0
int main()
        char string[7] = "World!"

    _printf("Hello %s/n", string);
    return (0);

output: Hello World!

#include "holberton.h"
 * main - main function
 * Return: always 0
int main()
        int num = 1006

    _printf("This is a number: %d/n", num);
    return (0);

output: This is a number: 1006


This project has been tested on Ubuntu 14.06.6 LTS
