
Automatic generator of readmes for git repositories (Includes file' listing)

Primary LanguagePython

Readme Generator

We are bored of write the same things once and once again. We trust in the comments made inside of our files, and we decided to automate the boring stuff. Why to use this? Quick, Easy, Automatic: Only once three questions.

The readmeg writes the basic structure of a readme file filling all the content and getting ready to show the awesome code that you do. It includes title, description, files, environment, and authors.


Move the file readmeg.py to the path /usr/local/bin. If you are in linux, you can use the next command:

cp readmeg.py readmeg && sudo mv readmeg /usr/local/bin

How to use

You need to go to the directory where you want to create the readme file. Then you can type this in the command line:



readmeg The description of the reporitory

What readme's section are included?


Takes the name of the directory, changing - and _ for spaces.


It is a general description of the repository. readmeg ask the user what it is.


It includes a spreadsheet with the names and descriptions of every file and function in the directory, specially man pages, C header files, C functions, and Python scripts. The name of the file can be clicked to open the file while you are looking the readme in git hub. The description of each file is based on the description of the file written in the first multiline comment of the file, looking like this:

File Description
file1 Description depending on the type of the file.

Python scripts

Takes the first multiline comment, surrounded by """ or by ''' as description.

C functions

Takes all the multiline comments of the file to list all the functions written in the file. The comments needs to match the format required by the ANSI 90 standard:

* function_name - first line of description
* second line of description (optional)
* @parameter (optional)
* Return: returned value (optional)

Let us know which other kind of programming files you want us to automate here: https://twitter.com/NaVeDuran1


The first time the program is executed is going to ask you the environ where the repository was developed. If you are from Holberton write: ''' Ubuntu 14.06.6 LTS '''


Readmeg reads the git configuration variables 'user.fullname', 'user.email' and 'user.environ'. If those aren't created, readmeg asks the full name of the user.

Changing Author, Email or Environment:

Type this commands to change the information that is going to be included in your subsequent readmes:

git config --config user.fullname My New Name
git config --config user.email my_new@email.com
git config --config user.environ my-environment

This will not change the readmes created previously.


This project has been tested on Ubuntu 14.06.6 LTS


  • Nicolás Urrea Rangel: Email
  • Natalia Vera Duran: Email