I am a highly competent Full-Stack Developer with a proven track record in designing websites and managing Databases.
Intern at Edureka !..TAMIL NADU, INDIA.
NaveenMS45's Following
- AakashRao-dev@Lambdatest
- adrianhajdinJavaScript Mastery
- appwritePlanet Earth, Milky Way
- B3g1n3r
- bkrem@reown-com
- decrypto-orgDecentralized: Athens, Edinburgh, Ioannina, Zurich, London, Illinois, Seattle, Abu Dhabi...
- developerTechLondon
- dom-the-devGermany
- FortAwesomeUnited States of America
- FrancescoXX@dailydotdev
- gothinkster
- humanprotocol
- jayesh2906Microsoft Nuance
- john-smilgaCoding Addict
- LevelUpDevTraining
- lynnandtonicPhoenix, AZ
- MartinChavezSeattle, WA
- mtdvioBerlin
- ossu
- ripienaarMalta
- rust-in-blockchainRiB
- ryanmcdermott@google
- sanyamjain04New Delhi, India
- sdmg15@DevOfFuture
- smartcontractkit
- sorrycc@antgroup
- storybookjs
- TheAlgorithmsIndia
- trimstrayPoland
- typicode
- WebDevSimplifiedWebDevSimplified
- yangshun@greatfrontend
- yjjnls@Baidu
- Yogananth-r