- 2
- 1
ncloud_mysql DB 스펙 변경 관련하여 질문드립니다.
#431 opened by freeeeedev - 1
ncloud_server에서 KVM 이미지 사용
#422 opened by song2park - 0
[Bug]: VPC ncloud_lb_listener does not support REDIRECTION rule and it crashes in refreshing stage.
#441 opened by atobaum - 1
AccTest: Autoscaling test failure
#295 opened by wonchulee - 3
- 2
[New Resource]: Object Storage & Global CDN
#395 opened by jinlee1703 - 0
[New Resource]: Support to SubAccount management
#448 opened by waltzbucks - 1
[Feature]: Nodepool 구성시 스토리지 볼륨 크기 조정
#435 opened by go4real - 1
- 0
mysql slave 지원 여부와 data acg 블록 vpc 지원 여부가 궁금합니다.
#429 opened by yoshikime - 2
- 1
AccTest: nas volume test failure
#299 opened by wonchulee - 1
AccTest: Classic loadbalancer test failure
#324 opened by sososo0 - 2
- 1
Postgresql 대한 항목은 없는 것인가요?
#426 opened by raoul1130 - 2
ci: Introduce github action ci(lint, test, etc)
#293 opened by wonchulee - 1
Support Cloud Hadoop (VPC)
#370 opened by wonchulee - 1
Error when importing sourcecommit repository resource
#353 opened by ziwooda - 1
Error when importing SES Cluster resource
#327 opened by ur2e - 4
Add Docs Guide for import
#305 opened by Seo-yul - 2
ncloud_nks_kube_config의 속성에서 Client_key와 client_certificate 값이 Null값으로 나와 인증이 되지 않습니다.
#393 opened by hwany97 - 0
- 5
Error when planning terraform
#302 opened by teri0411 - 1
Error when changing blockstorage with Terraform
#339 opened by jaehanbyun - 2
[Bug]: NAT Gateway cannot attached to ncloud_vpc.vpc.default_private_route_table_no
#386 opened by Jangab-water - 1
public_ip: fail to reassign Server
#358 opened by teacherSsamko - 0
[Bug]: Vpc test failure
#387 opened by jungchanSon - 3
- 0
Refactor the Vpc Peering to framework
#361 opened by jungchanSon - 1
- 1
- 1
AccTest: Nks parallel test failure
#300 opened by wonchulee - 1
Refactor the LoginKey resource to framework
#355 opened by jaehanbyun - 0
k8s document has wrong sample code
#363 opened by teacherSsamko - 0
- 1
- 2
AccTest: auto scaling policy test failure
#351 opened by jungchanSon - 2
- 2
AccTest: NetworkInterface update test failure
#289 opened by wonchulee - 2
AccTest: block storage test failure
#294 opened by wonchulee - 1
- 2
AccTest: Classic loadbalancer test failure
#296 opened by wonchulee - 5
#310 opened by yoogledev - 2
`auto_scaling_schedule` validation
#309 opened by yoogledev - 1
AccTest: Launch configuration test failure
#298 opened by wonchulee - 1
`auto_scaling_policy` validation
#308 opened by yoogledev - 3
AccTest: NetworkACL Rule acceptance test failure
#288 opened by wonchulee - 1
AccTest: NatGateway onlyRequiredParam test failure
#292 opened by wonchulee - 2
AccTest: Classic Server Acceptance test failure
#287 opened by wonchulee