
My implementino of rCore

Primary LanguageRust


This is my implemention of rCore based on rCore-Tutorial-v3.

How to build / run / debug


  • Rust and some tools

    • Nightly toolchain
    • riscv64-unknown-none-elf target
    • cargo binuntils
    • llvm-tools-preview
    • rust-src
  • qemu

  • GDB for riscv64-unknown-none-elf

  • just

How to ...

This project uses just to save and run commands. You can run just --help for help information and run just --list to list all available commands.

cd rcore-os # Enter the `os` directory
just build # Build and link the kernel
just run # Run the kernel with qemu
just debug # Run the kernel with debug mode, waiting for GDB
just gdb # Connect qemu with GDB