
PHP MVC + MySQL exercise

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP MVC + MySQL exercise

This is an interview test for a PHP developer role.

We need a system to capture client referrals, and manage those referrals. The system is only accessible to admin staff (users). We do not need an authentication system. The system must: Capture information about new clients (manual input)

  • Title
  • First Name
  • Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • E-mail
  • Mobile Phone
  • Address (in a format that is useable for future postcode look-ups and mail merges). Allow users to review new clients, and choose to either accept or reject them. Let users see 3 lists:
  • Referred Clients
  • Accepted Clients
  • Rejected Clients

We have an existing system of 50,000 clients which the new system will need to import.

For my implementation I've used MySQL Workbench to design the database (referral_system.mwb) and Propel as PHP ORM. I've used the Workbench plugin PropelExport.grt.lua to export the DB schema from MySQL Workbench to the Propel schema.xml file.

I've used composer to install the dependencies.


./propel sql:build --overwrite
./propel sql:insert
./propel model:build
composer install