
Create cron-job, secrets and other resource in target namespace instead of new namespace created with template "aws-multi-ecr-credentials.namespace"

Primary LanguageMustache

Artifact HUB

Chart for using multi ECR repositories

What has been changed?

  1. Ability to use several ECR accounts

  2. Cron scheduler has configurable parameter

  3. Job container image has official amazon repository: amazon/aws-cli

How to use?

See internal: README.md

How to debug?

kubectl get pods -A

you should see the pod name like this:

aws-multi-ecr-credentials-1234567890-ns aws-multi-ecr-credentials-1234567890-cron-1610110080-x265d

then need to read the logs by the following command:

kubectl logs -n aws-multi-ecr-credentials-1234567890-ns aws-multi-ecr-credentials-1234567890-cron-1610110080-x265d

Build helm package

helm package ./charts/aws-multi-ecr-credentials/ -d ./docs
helm repo index ./docs/